
The Southwest neighborhoods, Inc. Equity and Inclusion Committee usually meets monthly, on the fourth Monday at 7 PM. 
Confirm scheduled meetings on the Southwest Neighborhoods Calendar.

All meetings are open to the public. Everyone is welcome.


Laura Campos

Committee members group email,

View Meeting Archives

SWNI Racial Equity Policy

Eena (Beaver) Festival

The Eena Festival is made possible in part through funding from the City of Portland and

SWNI’s “Community & Civic Engagement Small Grants Program

Committee Action Plan

Equity and Inclusion Best Practices

Other General Resources

Historical Context of Racist Planning
How historical racist land use planning contributed to racial segregation and inequity for people of color in Portland

Committee Member Resources

Access to the following resources is restricted to the SWNI Equity and Inclusion Committee Google Group members:

SWNI Equity and Inclusion Committee Google Group

Equity and Inclusion Committee Google Drive