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Next Meeting
Crestwood Neighborhood Association meets on the 2nd Wednesday of odd months. Confirm scheduled meetings on the Southwest Neighborhoods Calendar.
All meetings are open to the public. Everyone is welcome. If you’d like to reserve time to discuss something, please email us so that we can get you on the meeting agenda.
To donate to the Crestwood Neighborhood Association
click below to use your credit card:
Or send a check to:
Southwest neighborhoods, Inc.
7688 SW Capitol Hwy.
Portland, OR 97219
Write: “For Crestwood Community Events” in memo line.
West Portland Town Center Plan is Underway
Crestwood Neighborhood Association Comments on Proposed Draft West Portland Town Center Plan dated Sept. 14, 2021

The West Portland Town Center (WPTC) plan covers portions of our Crestwood neighborhood, the Crossroads area around Barbur World Foods and Walgreens, the Barbur Transit Center, and the area leading up toward the Markham and Jackson schools. The draft growth concept to date (see map) includes high-density housing along SW Barbur, SW Capitol Highway, and both sides of SW Taylors Ferry Road from SW Capitol Highway to somewhere around SW 52nd. SW Taylors Ferry Road currently does not have safe street infrastructure nor stormwater management to support development of this scale. The draft transportation concept (see map) includes a number of helpful improvements, such as the much-needed sidewalks, bike paths and Markham pedestrian/bike bridge over I-5, but there has been no commitment to fund it. We will keep you updated and let you know of opportunities to provide feedback and advocate for improvements as the plan develops this fall. In the meantime, you can check out the plan at: https://www.portland.gov/bps/wpdx-town-center
Help Fund Sidewalks and Bike Lanes on SW Taylors Ferry Road

The City of Portland and Metro propose to fund sidewalk and bicycle improvements to SW Taylors Ferry Road between SW Capitol Highway and SW 49th. This is one of 23 projects competing for a Regional Flexible Fund Allocation (RFFA) grant, and not all projects will get funded. We need to show strong support!
2020-06-20 Update: Thank you, everyone, for your huge outpouring of support for sidewalks and bike lanes on SW Taylors Ferry Road. Unfortunately, in January 2020, Metro and the City of Portland did not fund these improvements at this time. We’ll keep trying!
Project details and comment links are at Metro’s website, https://www.oregonmetro.gov/public-projects/regional-flexible-funding-transportation-projects. [The deadline for submissions has passed]
Crossroads Jughandle Proposal

Crestwood NA letter to ODOT Re: 99W (SW Barbur) at SW Capitol Highway Project, STIP 20438
SW Corridor
Crestwood Letters regarding SW Corridor Light Rail Project
Crestwood Crossroads Options (11/19/2018)
To: Metro, TriMet and SW Corridor Project
Re: Crossroads Options presented on October 29, 2018
SWC Crestwood Letter Metro LPA (11/15/2018)
To: Metro Council President and Councilors, including Co-Chairs SWC Steering Committee
Re: Metro Council 11/15/2018 RES 18-4915, Southwest Corridor Light Rail LPA
SWC Crestwood Letter Metro LUFO (11/15/2018)
To: Metro Council President and Councilors, including Co-Chairs SWC Steering Committee
Re: Metro Council 11/15/2018 RES-4938, Southwest Corridor Light Rail LUFO
SWC Crestwood Letter City Council (10/8/2018)
To: City of Portland Mayor and Portland City Council Commissioners
Re: City Council Agenda Item 1062, Southwest Corridor Light Rail Project
SWC Crestwood DEIS Comments (7/25/2018)
To: Metro Southwest Corridor Plan Steering Committee
Re: Southwest Corridor Plan DEIS
Jughandle Letters
Crestwood ODOT Letter STIP 20438 (1/17/2019)
To: Rian Windsheimer, Region 1 Manager; Shelli Romero, Area Manager, Central ODOT Region 1
Re: 99W (SW Barbur Blvd) at SW Capitol Highway Project, STIP 20438
Crestwood ODOT Letter STIP 20438 (3/27/2020)
To: Rian Windsheimer, Region 1 Manager; Shelli Romero, Area Manager, Central ODOT Region 1
Re: 99W (SW Barbur Blvd) at SW Capitol Highway Project, STIP 20438
Other Letters
Crestwood CBO Budget Review (3/31/2020)
To: Portland City Council City Budget Office
Re: City of Portland FY 2020-2021 Requested Budgets
Project Library (Metro website)
Events & Announcements
- New mailing list address. Sign up to discuss neighborhood issues at https://groups.google.com/a/swni.org/forum/#!forum/crestwood-members. (If you were previously on the 2016-2017 mailing list, you’ve probably been moved automatically to the new one; check for a crestwood-members@swni.org email)
- Check out the Map App. The Map App is a way for you to explore maps of the city and help determine what Portland could look like and how it should grow over the next 20 years. Use the Map App to learn more about anticipated new housing or job development and where the City may want to invest in new infrastructure, like water, sewer, parks and streets. Your ideas can shape how Portland will grow over the next 20 years. Leave your comments on the maps to inform the City’s Comprehensive Plan Update.
- Woods Park work parties are held every 4th Saturday of the month. It’s always a chance to get out into one of the fine parks in our neighborhood.
Got something to say?
Talk to your neighbors.
- https://groups.google.com/a/swni.org/forum/#!forum/crestwood-members – the neighborhood mailing list
- Nextdoor.com is like Facebook for neighborhoods
- Crestwood (Boundary map – City of Portland)
- Map of proposed boundary change (Q3/Q4 2016)
- Crestwood environmental zones
- Strategic Direction 2017–2018
- Action Plan 2017–2018
- State Health Insurance
- Portland Tree Cutting Procedure – Starting Jan 1, 2015 all trees in Portland are governed by the Portland Tree Code. It identifies the required actions of all residents for the care and maintenance of trees, governs the removal and replacement of trees, identifies actions that are not allowed and the penalties for violating the code. Tree Permits are required for removing any tree whose diameter is 12” or greater (measured 4 ½ feet from the ground). Property in a conservation zone has further restrictions. Click here for a summary of the Tree Code or here for the 102 page Tree Code.
- “Green Goddess Remedies”, a medical marijuana dispensary, has Good Neighborhood agreement (GNA) with Crestwood.
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