Help Fund Sidewalks and Bike Lanes on SW Taylors Ferry Road in 2022

Let’s try again!  SW Taylors Ferry Road is one of 29 projects competing for Metro funding in May 2022.  The Portland Bureau of Transportation updated the design and would partner with the already-funded Portland Bureau of Environmental Services project to replace the culvert under Woods Creek and fix the broken fence.  The design changes made the project more expensive so we have to try extra hard to show our support. 

What can you do? Please download the flyers below for more details.  The Action Alert has some possible talking points, but it’s best to put your comments in your own words.  The survey comment boxes are limited to 500 characters so if you have a lot to say then it’s best to send an email to   

  1. SUBMIT COMMENTS by survey (, email ( with the subject line RFFA Taylors Ferry Road Project) or snail mail.  Deadline is 5:00 pm June 21, 2022.
Taylor’s Ferry Project Flyer
Action Alert
Taylor’s Ferry Project Description
Metro RFFA Evaluation Scores
RFFA Application Draft