Marshall Park Neighborhood Association
Marshall Park Winter 2015-2016
Marshall Park Playground Construction 2014-2015
Marshall Park Summer Social 2013
Marshall Park Bridge Official Opening and Work Party
Marshall Park Bridge Construction
Marshall Park Winter 2009-2010
Marshall Park Winter 2008-2009
Work Parties at Marshall and Maricara Parks
Friends of Marshall and Maricara Parks (FOMMP)
Welcome to the website for Friends of Marshall and Maricara Parks. These lovely parks are located in Southwest Portland. They are mostly natural habitat ideal for enjoying a peaceful stroll. The Friends is a group of park lovers who work with Portland Parks dept to help keep these parks in good natural condition. There are occasional work parties to pull invasive species, or to plant native species. For more information or to get on the e-mailing list:
Link to Marshall Park brochure
Link to Marshall Park MAP
Marshall Park snow photos 3-January-2016:
No Ivy Day 2015 flyer
Marshall Park National Night Out 4-AUG-2015
Marshall Park Playground Construction 2014-2015
Marshall Park No Ivy Day 25-Oct-2014
National Night Out Picnic – 5 Aug 2014
Marshall Park Neighborhood Association held its National Night Out picnic in the park on Aug 5th. Over 80 people attended and enjoyed free food, raffle prices, and visits from City Commissioner Amanda Fritz, Portland Parks representatives, and our local police officers. It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening in the park. More pictures available here.
Marshall Park snow – 7 Feb 2014
Marshall Park – Pacific Giant Salamander
This amazing giant salamander was spotted in the park in September 2013. These amphibians can grow up to 13 inches in length. The adults live under logs and they like to roam about after heavy rain. So they definitely came to the right place. This photo courtesy of John DeLance.
Marshall Park – No Ivy Day 2013
Twenty strong and tough neighbors, both big and small, joined battle against the ivy in Marshall Park on Saturday 5 Oct, 2013. They were part of the city-wide NO IVY DAY. They tackled ivy growing around and up the tall trees in the park. It is important to prevent the ivy from taking hold up in the canopy, where it will go to seed and spread more ivy throughout the forest. These tireless workers pulled ivy from 20 trees — an estimated 2,150 square feet of ivy. They certainly made a dent in the ivy in our park. We heard later that Marshall Park was one of the best turnouts in the city on No Ivy Day. Well done to all who participated. ( More pictures in the MPNA Photo Gallery: Marshall Park No Ivy Day 2013 )
Summer Social in Marshall Park 9-June-2013
We had a beautiful day for our Swing Into Summer event. Over 60 people came out to enjoy ice cream and mingling with their neighbors in Marshall Park. The kids enjoyed a challenging scavenger hunt that lead them all through the park exploring and face painting too. There were many discussions about the playground project and we got a lot of great feedback on some proposed equipment configurations. We also had an official unveiling of the Owl Creek sign lead by Mike Duffield – the sign came off to sounds of “Who-Who” by the crowd.
New steps in Marshall Park – 17 February 2013
These new steps are strong and sturdy enough for even the largest Bigfoot in our woods!
Marshall Park Playground Meeting 12-Feb-2013
On Tuesday, February 12th the playground project leaders held a meeting to share information on the efforts to secure a new playground in the park. They have identified six areas where volunteers are needed: Accounting, Communications, Construction, Events, Fundraisers, and Volunteers. If you’d like to help, please contact the Friends at :
Ice Cream Social in Marshall Park 10-June-2012
There were over 50 people who attended and everyone enjoyed the sun and ice cream (drumsticks and fruit popsicles). The kids did leaf rubbings and drew their desired images of Marshall Park. Bryan from the Parks Department spoke a little about what to expect next – we will hear the official parks response to part II of our application within the next month. There was a lot of neighborly talking and enjoyment. Jen from the Watershed Resource center lead us on a nature walk where we all learned how to identify a rare plant that you can find in Marshall Park – the Western Wahoo.
Marshall Park Playground News – May 2012
1. PORTLAND PARKS – The playground proposal is in the third phase at Portland Parks. Soon it will become an official parks project. The parks team was impressed by the online survey and the data that was collected. Visit the new Facebook page for the playground effort:
2. PLAYGROUND FUNDRAISING. You can now make tax-deductible donations toward the future playground. Write a check to “SWNI” and in the notes specify “Marshall Park Playground” Take the check to the SWNI office in the Multnomah Arts Center at 7688 SW Capitol Hwy.
3. JUNE 9 and 10 — THINKER TOYS has agreed to donate 15% of all purchases towards the Marshall Park Playground. The store is located at 7784 SW Capitol Hwy. Please note – you must mention “MARSHALL PARK PLAYGROUND” when you make your purchase. So this is a great time to plan ahead, and go shopping for all the birthdays coming up this year for all your little kiddies, nieces and nephews. It’s a great place to buy fun and creative toys.
4. JUNE 10 — “SWING INTO SUMMER” – Ice Cream Social from 1:00pm to 3:00pm in Marshall Park. Visit with neighbors and park representatives. Kids Activities. Guided walks. And . . . ICE CREAM !!!
Garlic Mustard – April 2012
It’s that time of year again. The invasive Garlic Mustard is popping up on our roadsides. Tryon Creek Watershed Council is organizing cleanup event on April 29 and Portland Parks will be spraying roadsides in the first week of May. If you pull any Garlic Mustard yourself, make sure you carefully bag it and deposit it in the dumpster on SW 18th Avenue. Instructions for identifying and pulling Garlic Mustard were in the April issue of SWNI News and also at this link: Garlic mustard instructions
Marshall Park Work Party – Saturday, Dec 17th, 9:30 am – 12 noon
Portland Parks is hosting a work party in Marshall Park in December to remove tree ivy. Join PP&R’s No Ivy League and the Friends of Marshall & Maricara Park for ivy and invasive plant removal to help improve this SW Portland forest. Meet at the SW 12th Drive entrance to Marshall Park. Wear long pants, closed-toe shoes and clothes you can get dirty. We’ll provide gloves and tools. For more info or directions, call Rachel at 503-823-9423. This work party, as well as others in various Portland natural areas, are listed on City of Portland website (click on Volunteer Work Parties).
Rachel Felice, Stewardship Coordinator, Portland Parks & Recreation, City Nature West.
Marshall Park Playground Survey – Nov 2011
We want your input on what you’d like to see in the park, to replace the old play equipment that was removed in December 2010. A 5 minute Google Forms survey was created to provide feedback and direction to the park plans:
Park news – Oct 2011
Some residents are working with Portland Parks on ideas for a new playground in Marshall Park, to replace the one removed last year. The team is spearheaded by John DeLance, Chair, Friends of Marshall & Maricara Parks. And Amy Steingrebe, Marshall Park NA representative to SWNI Parks Committee. This playground will need a community effort, so stand ready to step up when the opportunity arises. More information will follow, from John and Amy.
Marshall Park photo from 1953
Here’s an interesting look back at Marshall Park’s past, circa 1953. This photo was taken by the father of Ancil Nance, resident of Sellwood. It was submitted by Mike Duffield, Historian for Marshall Park Neighborhood Association.
Park news – Aug 2011
Portland Parks held Summer Day Camps in Marshall Park for the first time. The camps were a big success, and a great way to introduce children to the natural beauty of the park.
Park news – March 2011
1. The new Marshall Park brochures all vanished from the box on the bulletin board. Even the laminated map was removed from the bulletin board. I put a fresh supply of brochures in the box, and I am trying to get a new laminated map from PPR. Meanwhile I have replaced it our old smaller trail map.
2. There is a new “Dogs must be on a leash” sign at the entrance to the Foley Balmer section. This is a reminder to absent-minded dogs who forget to put their owners on a leash. I know it’s ruff, but please be reminded to do this, for the benefit of all park users.
3.. WORK PARTY coming up – mark your calendars — Marshall Park -Saturday, April 30, 10:00 AM-noon. As part of the Tryon Creek Watershed Wide event, PP&R, the Tryon Creek Watershed Council and the Friends of Marshall & Maricara Park would love your help to remove invasive species in Marshall Park. Work gloves, tools, refreshments and guidance will be provided. Prior to the work party, celebration and morning refreshments at Tryon Creek State Park. Please wear sturdy shoes, dress for the weather and bring a water bottle if you have one. Meet at SW 12th Drive entrance to Marshall Park; served by Tri-met bus #43, stops 5711 and 5712. For more info, e-mail Rachel at
New Marshall Park Brochure (February 2011)
A new Marshall Park brochure and trail map has been published. Thanks to the combined efforts of Portland Parks, Friends Of Marshall and Maricara Parks, and Marshall Park Neighborhood Association. The brochure is very nice, with photos, a map, and brief history of the park. Pick one up the next time you are in the park. The picture below shows the brochure container, and also a second box containing bags for dog owners who forget to bring their own. Portland Parks also provided a large laminated trail map, which is on the right side of the notice board. Thanks to all who helped make this brochure, including Peggy, Karen, Rachel, David, Neil, and others.
Swing Set Removed from Marshall Park (27-Dec-2010)
Portland Parks Dept has removed the play structure from Marshall Park. This was done because of lead paint and also safety concerns due to the age of the structure. Portland Parks has no plans or funds to replace it. They suggest families use the play structures at other Southwest Portland sites: Burlingame Park, Capitol Hill School, Custer Park, Fulton Park. Representatives from Portland Parks will answer questions from the community at the next Marshall Park Neighborhood meeting, 6:00pm on 13-Jan-2011 at Capitol Hill School.
Park Events:
- Ivy Pull in Marshall Park, Saturday 18-Dec-2010, 9:00am to Noon.
Playground equipment to be removed from Marshall Park: (article date 16-Dec-2010)
- Portland Parks has examined the Marshall Park play structure and decided it must be removed for safety reasons.
- There are no funds to replace it at this time.
Marshall Park buck – photo from Anne Dobson . . .
Marshall Park Bridge Opening & Work Party 20-Feb-2010:
Over two dozen neighbors and volunteers met on a glorious spring-like day to celebrate the new bridge. We enjoyed several speakers – Emily from Portland Parks, Margot from FOMMP, and Mike D from MPNA. Then came the official ribbon cutting. And we all grabbed shovels and planted native species around the bridge, serenaded by Betsy on her fiddle. Finally we all enjoyed the free hot drinks and donuts. Thanks to all who helped put this together. More details and more pictures at this link.
The new footbridge is complete: 1-Jan-2010
Portland Parks has finished the replacement footbridge in Marshall Park. The old bridge has been removed and replaced by a beautiful new bridge. They did a very nice job on this bridge, which park users will enjoy for years to come. Here is a picture of the new bridge. More pictures can be seen here.