** Maplewood Neighborhood Association Monthly Meeting **
First Tuesday of Every Month
Meeting Materials including Agenda and Prior Meeting Minutes can be found here.
Get involved in Maplewood Neighborhood Association
We have open chairs for several committees. Volunteers are also needed for various events and projects. Join us in making our neighborhood safe and great place to live.
General Meetings
1st Tuesday of every month
Maplewood Coffee & Tea
6:45 pm – Social time
7:00 pm – Meeting called to order
Confirm scheduled meetings on the Southwest Neighborhoods Calendar
Your 501(c)3 tax-deductible contribution funds Maplewood neighborhood community events like our Community Fair & Movie in the Park, Ice Cream Social, and Winter Social.
Employer Matching: Select our fiscal sponsor Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. as recipient. Note the donation is for Maplewood Neighborhood Association. Call SWNI at (503) 823-4592 to notify them that a donation and match is coming and should be directed to Maplewood Neighborhood Association when received.

Please use the donate button above, or make checks payable to Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. with “Maplewood Neighborhood Association” in the memo line. Drop off to Room #5 in the Multnomah Arts Center or mail to:
Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc.
7688 SW Capitol Highway
Portland, OR 97219-2457