About Multnomah Neighborhood

Neighborhood Demographics 2020
You are eligible to be a voting member of the association if:
- you are 18 or older AND
- you live in the neighborhood*, including renting
- or you own real property in the neighborhood
- or you own a business in the neighborhood
- or you have asked in writing to join and been accepted.
*To find out if you live in Multnomah neighborhood, go to Portlandmaps.com/search. Enter your Portland street address (NO city state zip). Your neighborhood will be listed on the right side of the screen.
General meeting time and location:
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of the month. Elections held in October.
Time: 7:00 PM
Meetings are now hybrid – in person and on Zoom.
See the SWNI Calendar for dates and Zoom info.
For other meeting information click here to go to our Meetings webpage
Board meeting time and location:
The MNA Board meets on the first Tuesday of each month
Time: 7:00 PM
For now, meetings are on Zoom.
See the SWNI Calendar for dates and Zoom info.
For other meeting information
click here to go to our Meetings webpage
Governing Documents
Multnomah Neighborhood Association Bylaws
Portland City Code Chapter 3.96
Web site: mnapdx.org
Chair: Moses Ross
Vice-Chair: Beth Omansky
Secretary: Julie Leet
Treasurer: Tad Davis
Committee Chairs
Equity Chair: Will Fuller
Land Use Chair: –vacant–
SRV Working Group Co-chairs: Frank Rudloff and Peter Samson
Transportation Chair: Stephen McLandrich
General Contact Information
City Required Notice Contact/Co-Contact
Multnomah NA Required Notice Contact
c/o Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc.,
7688 SW Capitol Hwy
Portland, OR 97219-2457
General correspondence
Multnomah NA General Correspondence Contact
c/o Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc.,
7688 SW Capitol Hwy
Portland, OR 97219-2457
Certified Mail Contact
MultnomahNA CertifiedMailContact
Moses Ross
2917 SW Canby Ct
Portland, OR 97219