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Click here to download the South Portland Neighborhood Association Bylaws.
The purposes for which the neighborhood association is organized are:
- To enhance the livability of the South Portland neighborhood and Portland by establishing and maintaining an open line of communication and liaison among the neighborhood, government agencies and other neighborhoods.
- To provide an open forum by which all members of the neighborhood may involve themselves in the affairs of the neighborhood.
- Ensure that the South Portland community exerts a maximum degree of self- determination with regard to issues that affect it.
- To perform all of the activities related to said purposes, to have and enjoy all of the powers granted, and engage in any lawful activity for which nonprofit corporations may be organized under OPS Chapter 65. The SPNA is organized exclusively for educational, charitable, research, and exchange of information purposes consistent with its status as a public benefit corporation.
- For any other objectives as may be approved by the SPNA Board from time to time. The Neighborhood Association shall not take positions in support of or opposition to any political candidate or party. It may take positions on ballot measures and referendums.
- Inform general members of plans and actions affecting them or neighborhood livability, to encourage participation in addressing these issues, and to make recommendations on plans and decisions that affect the Association community, including but not limited to:
- Make recommendations(s) concerning a particular action, policy or other matter to any City agency on any topic affecting the livability, safety and economic vitality of the Neighborhood, including but not limited to land use, housing, community facilities, human resources, social and recreational programs, traffic and transportation, environmental quality and public safety; and,
- Assist City agencies in determining priority needs of the Neighborhood; and,
- Review items for inclusion in the City budget and make recommendations relating to budget items for Neighborhood improvement; and,
- Undertake projects and activities deemed appropriate by the Neighborhood Association; and,
- Cooperate with other Neighborhood Associations and ONI to create District Coalitions.