Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET)

In the event of a citywide or regional emergency such as a severe winter storm, flood or major earthquake, households need to be prepared to be on their own for at least a week. Neighborhoods need to be prepared for self-sufficiency too. Volunteer neighborhood rescuers will likely be first on-the-scene when firefighters and police are slowed by impassable streets or overwhelmed by calls for help.

Neighborhood Emergency Teams (NETs) are Portland residents trained by PBEM and Portland Fire & Rescue to provide emergency disaster assistance within their own neighborhoods. NET members are trained to save lives and property until professional responders can arrive. These volunteers are specially trained to help others without putting themselves in harm’s way. NET members are:

  1. Prepared to be self-sufficient for two weeks during any emergency.
  2. Able to provide emergency assistance to their family and immediate neighbors.
  3. Able to work within an emergency response team to save lives and property in their neighborhood.
  4. Able to guide untrained volunteers who want to help others during a disaster.

If you are interested in participating in the Homestead NET contact Bob Bonner, NET Lead at

Meeting Notice

Homestead Prepares!

Zoom monthly meeting for anyone on the second Tuesday of each month.

from 7pm to 8pm PST

Zoom Link OFJ3VjF6TE4ybHEvUzduSFFQUT09

A year ago the Homestead NET team actively started a block coordinator effort to get all the single family homes in Homestead surveyed around emergency preparedness and connected with neighbors on their “blocks”. After 40% completion, Covid hit making it impossible to complete the face-to-face interviews. A few blocks have over 90% participation, but many others have not started yet. To involve everyone we have started monthly Zoom meetings open to everyone in Homestead interested in their household emergency plans and their integration into a plan for our Homestead Community.

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