Multnomah News
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Our Street Art Project is underway
The Multnomah Neighborhood Association was recently approved for a small grant to fund civic engagement and a safety-focused placemaking projects or intersection murals in highly traveled pedestrian areas of Multnomah Neighborhood. Specifically, we will bring the community together through multiple placemaking events/projects at key walking points in North and & South Multnomah which connect Gabriel Park/North Multnomah area, Multnomah Village business district, and South Multnomah/Spring Garden Park.
SWEC (Southwest Portland Equity Coalition) and WPTC (West Portland Town Center plan)
As expected, the Portland City Council passed the WPTC plan unamimously at their Nov. 30 AM meeting. and it went into effect March 31, 2023.
There will undoubtedly be changes as conditions change, and funding is subject to the usual horsetrading of any project.
In the current city budget cycle, SWEC is working to get funding forSW Portland priorities.
For more on the WPTC plan and SWEC, click here
We are considering becoming a member of the Southwest Corridor Equity Coalition (SWEC).
Click here for more information on SWEC.
Portland Engagement Project
This project is subject to change with the change in City Council membership, and even more when the new Charter Amendments take place.
In any case, we in the Multnomah NA will have to engage in the process, which will be a multi-year effort
Multnomah NA now has 501c3 status. and its own Google workspace.
We have become a non-profit 501c3 corporation. As such, we qualified for free Google workspace and apps, all independent of SWNI.
We emphasize, however, that we still support SWNI. SWNI provides valuable services like coordination with other neighborhood associations, a newspaper presence, and Zoom logins.
We are in the process of setting up our own website, giving us more control over its formatting and content than we had with SWNI.
As a recognized 501(c)(3) charity, we gain benefit such as
* our own identity to receive donations directly
* strengthen our status for city grants and other funding
* have our own domain: mnapdx.org
* still be a part of SWNI, and support its functions.
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Other News
Multnomah School on National Register of Historic Places

Painting by Erik Sandgren
The designation is validation for the neighborhood that the school’s architecture and history are worthy of recognition and preservation. This honor is a testament to the efforts and foresight of prior generations who built the school to educate their children and to provide a civic gathering place for the community. Hopefully future generations will continue to have access to this very special place.
Pamplin Media Group article by Bill Gallagher, Tuesday, March 31, 2020
What is a Tree Equity Score?
And does Portland need one?
Click here for a new way of mapping tree equity
(Hint: Portland tree canopy is better in richer areas)
More on this coming soon.
CLICK HERE to read archives of Multnomah Neighborhood Associations articles published in the monthly SW News newspaper.